We've got a brand new Funny You Should Ask with improv and stand-up comedian, Rayna Cahill. We talk about the moment she realized her natural talent, her successful endeavors in creating comedy shows, her thoughts on the rapport among the local comedy community and more. You can catch Rayna at Shenanigans Comedy Theatre and at comedy open mic nights around town. Related links are below.

Funny You Should Ask is a series where we hear from comedians in the TN Valley, getting to know their style, hear first gig stories and plenty more. 


Rayna's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/rayna_cheyenne_cahill/

Shenanigans Comedy Theatre Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/shenaniganscomedytheatrehsv/

F.Y.S.A. Ep. 1 Brandon Ijames: https://wlrh.org/WritersCorner/arts-underground-funny-you-should-ask-bra...