Previous Episode: Future Thinking

Deborah Levy and Laurence Scott talk to Shahidha Bari about the writer's work from his earliest novel Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905) to his Essay Aspects of the Novel (1927). Recorded in partnership with the Royal Society of Literature at the British Library.

Producer: Torquil MacLeod

Laurence Scott is the author of The Four-Dimensional Human and Picnic, Comma, Lightning. He presented a Radio 3 Sunday Feature about Merchant Ivory which includes interviews about their film adpatations of EM Forster's work
Deborah Levy is the author of novels including Hot Milk, Swimming Home and The Man Who Saw Everything

Find more programmes about literature in this Free Thinking Prose and Poetry playlist on our website
You'll find Deborah Levy on Writing and Frankness, Wilfred Owen Poetry and Peace, winners of the RSL Ondaatje Prize debating place all recorded with the Royal Society of Literature at the British Library.
Our Landmarks collection includes programmes about George Eliot, James Joyce, George Orwell and many other writers