Rana Mitter reads a new history of the Holy Roman Empire written by Chichele Professor of History Peter H Wilson and discusses Christianity today with the religion editor of the TLS Rupert Shortt and Professor Janet Soskice.

Iranian artist Reza Derakshani is presenting new work including paintings from his ongoing Hunting series, which draws on traditions of Persian miniature painting and upon the American Abstract Expressionist movement which he encountered while living in exile in New York. The exhibition is the first to be staged at a new gallery in London specialising in contemporary art from the Middle East founded byVassili Tsarenkov, Lali Marganiya and Lili Jassemi.

The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History by Peter H. Wilson is out now.
Rupert Shortt's book is called God is No Thing: Coherent Christianity

Reza Derakshani: The Breeze at Dawn runs from 9 Mar - 23 Apr 2016 at Sophia Contemporary, 11 Grosvenor Street, Mayfair.

Producer: Eliane Glaser