Happy Women's History Month! I'm also celebrating a new milestone in my creative business - where I just created 10K IN A WEEK! This wasn't even in my realm of possibility a year ago, or frankly even 3 years ago when I made about 1K (with rounding up) in my first year of entrepreneurship. This is why I love creating from the future, instead of letting the past define us. And because this podcast is all about breaking barriers, I wanted to share with you what I found the most helpful on the journey to here - at the 5K month, 10K month and 10K week level, that I've experienced in the span of just the last 6-7 months. 

I hope my insights will inspire you to go after your own creative dreams & build that purposeful AND wildly profitable business on your own terms :) 

Get more business resources and tips here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yunzhezhou/