In honor of Women’s History Month, I’ve invited a couple of my clients who just started their businesses, and made their first 1K and beyond within 3 months, to share their insights, mindset shifts and behind the scenes stories with you. Each of them is breaking barriers and making history right now - not just for themselves, but also for the whole entrepreneurship field as what’s possible as an Asian and woman of color.

This week, I have the INCREDIBLE Kristy Ishii with us. Kristy is a life transitions coach & career consultant for both the US market and Japan. She’s a trauma-informed coach training at the Institute of Coaching Mastery and works with people who want to transform their lives both through inner work and outer work. She serves clients on mindset block awareness,  forgiveness & acceptance, and supports clients in calling forward how to achieve aligned action through career and lifestyle transitions.

In this episode you’ll hear about how Kristy was able to overcome all self doubt she had, to fully believe that she could do coaching full-time, what happened for her when she tested out all her limiting assumptions versus holding on to them (*hint* creating 1K+ client), and the biggest shifts that she got from coaching around making paid offers.

The theme for this episode is around what Kristy and I coached on the most - which is making offers. Most people don’t make offers because they’re afraid their services isn’t valuable, they won’t help their clients get results and fear of rejection. Kristy and I talk about how to separate your self worth from your product worth, and how you can feel confident in charging for your services.


Brave & Bold Mastermind

Reach out to Kristy:

IG: @kristymariko