Previous Episode: Episode 290 - Clay Snyder

My guest today is singer/songwriter Angela Elia! She lives in NYC and we had a lot to talk about! We covered topics as varied as social media, life in the Big Apple, technology, and various social issues. The thing that linked everything together is music. Even though we just met, it was if I'd known Angela for years. Her single is called "Be Okay" and it is featured with this episode. After you hear it, I know you will want your own copy. Angela has an active presence on Instagram, and Twitter. You can also stay up to date with all of her projects and appearances Please reach out to Angela and let her know that you heard her here first. Enjoy!

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We do not own any copyrights to the songs played on this episode. We have special permission by the artists themselves to play their music on the show for promotional purposes for the artists.

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