My guest today is Chris Mulkey. He is a man of many talents, and I am thrilled to have him on the show! He is an actor that has appeared in countless film and TV roles going back to the mid 70's. What you may not know is that he is also an incredible musician and plays a mean guitar. Needless to say, we had a lot to talk about! We started things off by discussing his latest film "The Surface". It is out now on DVD and VOD. Most of the action takes place on a boat in the middle of Lake Michigan. His co star is Sean Astin, and both actors do an amazing job with this remote setting. Learn more at We later turn the discussion to music, and this man has some stories! Three of his songs are included with this episode. Look for his albums on Amazon. Follow Chris on Twitter and check out his IMDB page to see his impressive list of projects both past and present. You can also find him at If you reach out, please let Chris know that you heard him here first. Enjoy!

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We do not own any copyrights to the songs played on this episode. We have special permission by the artists themselves to play their music on the show for promotional purposes for the artists.


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