Previous Episode: Impeachment and War

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he has the votes to proceed with a Senate trial, but the House has yet to transmit the articles. So today, while our current impeachment process is on hold, we’re going back in time, to 1999.

Former Florida Congressman Bill McCollum served as one of 13 house managers during Senate impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. McCollum talks about his role during the trial, the political fallout of being a house manager, and what he thinks about the impeachment proceedings today.

Have a question about this stage of impeachment? Ask our host Steve Kornacki: [email protected].

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Further Reading:

McConnell has the GOP votes for Trump’s trial now. That doesn’t mean he’ll have them later.Pelosi not ready to send articles of impeachment, but she could be ‘soon’