Next Episode: Dug In

In this special episode, host Steve Kornacki interviews Tom Brokaw, who went to Washington as NBC News White House Correspondent in the summer of 1973, a year before Richard Nixon resigned the presidency. Brokaw discusses his time covering the fall of President Nixon and the parallels to today, as the nation watches the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump unfold.

Tom Brokaw is a Senior Correspondent for NBC and the author of a new book, The Fall of Richard Nixon: A Reporter Remembers Watergate.

Key Figures

H.R. “Bob” Haldeman - White House Chief of Staff, 1969 - 1973 John Erlichman - White House Domestic Affairs Advisor, 1969 - 1973 John Mitchell - US Attorney General, 1969 - 1972 Howard Baker - Republican Senator from Tennessee Pat Buchanan – Special Assistant to President Nixon Al Haig - White House Chief of Staff, 1973 - 1974

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