To what lengths will you go as a photographer or filmmaker to do a job?

Photographer and filmmaker Mathew Farrell has probably gone farther and higher than most of us will in a lifetime. Mat was hired to document a team of scientists doing valuable glaciology fieldwork in the Karakoram, Yukshin Gardan Sar, area in northern Pakistan.

For the past several years, climate change has caused much human suffering and loss of life and property from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF). GLOFs occur when lakes of water hidden within the ice walls of glaciers burst through those icy walls. The entire lake floods the inhabited areas below the glaciers. Hence the need for this survey.

How did Mat get involved? About a year ago I received this email from him:

"On a more exciting note, this winter (your summer) I’ve been invited to join a three month long science, community development and climbing expedition to Karakoram mountains in Pakistan. The expedition is called the Karakoram Anomaly Project ( In brief, the expedition will be investigating why glaciers in the Karakoram are growing instead of receding; run local community workshops about the flood risk associated with these growing glaciers; will climb a new route on a 7000m (21000ft) peak. I’m heading along to shoot a documentary about the expedition, as well as helping with scientific photography work."

Wow! That’s a story I wanted to know more about! In this episode, Mat talks about his experience documenting this important survey with a Sony a7s kit and a Cinestar drone. It’s a story of endurance, frustrating setbacks, survival and ultimately - success.

Links from this episode:

Mathew Farrell's website:

Mathew Farrell on Twitter @flowstatephoto:

Karakoram Anomaly Project Website:

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