This episode of the Digital Convergence Podcast is going to be a brief one. It's the result of listener feedback.

Longtime DCP listener and supporter Swen Halverson sent me this message: "Recently while listening to one of the Video Business Success Coach segments I found myself wanting to listen to previous ones on a similar topic and thinking it would be too much trouble to find them because they're mixed in with the rest of the episode. Then I thought: I would pay $25-$80 for access to an organized list of all the business video success coach segments! I Know that would take some work so I wouldn't expect you to do it for just me but I do think you should ask your listeners if there are others who would do the same."

Unfortunately, Swen was correct. It's really hard to find and locate a specific topic. The Video Business Success Coach segment is usually buried deep within each Digital Convergence Podcast episode. There's no timestamp to take you directly to the segment, nor is there a comprehensive, topical list of episodes. There is no easy way to search for a previous segment.

Kris Simmons and I went back over our archive of Video Business Success Coach segments and were surprised at how many of these segments we had produced over the last year or so. Thirty seven segments totally nearly 12 hours of valuable, actionable content for video producers and digital media creatives.

So we decided to extract all 37 Video Business Success Coach segments, remove extraneous music and bits, and tighten up the edit, and publish these audio files in a product that makes it easy to browse, download, and listen.

But we didn't stop there!

We did not want this product to be just a rehash of content that's already available for free in the podcast (although it is difficult to find and locate topics within the podcast). We wanted to add more value to you. Kris generously provides over 5 hours of recorded coaching calls (video recordings and archived chat to go along with each session). He also provided his best selling ebook: The Six Figure Videographer. It's available as a downloadable PDF file.

Today, I'm stoked to be offering the very first course available in my new Creative Method Academy: The Video Business Success Coach - Season 1.

This course is normally $97. However, for a limited time the course will be available for an introductory price of $47. Use the coupon code DCP when you check out and save $50 off the regular price.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside of the Creative Method Academy!

Purchase The Video Business Success Coach - Season 1 (with 5 coaching call recordings, and Six Figure Videographer ebook)

Join KRE8 University and turbo-boost your video business.

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Send email or leave voice mail feedback.