Adult-onset hunter... traditional bows... five kids... would you guess those things add up to having six deer in the freezer? This week we're joined by Melody Haege, who talks to us about how she settled on traditional bowhunting when she began her sporting journey, and what it looks like today.
2:00 Living in the Minnesota 'big woods'
3:00 Six deer doesn't last that long for a family of seven; Keeping the blood to train a scent-tracking dog
4:00 Pig procurement & fat rendering tips
8:00 Deer hunting with a traditional bow (you need to hear about this 27-yard shot)
14:00 Adult-onset hunting & going all in
15:00 Being an excellent shooter isn't always synonymous with being an excellent hunter
16:00 You don't know what you don't know
18:00 Crossbow to traditional bow transition
20:00 Hunting/archery isn't one parent's "thing"... it's the family's thing
23:00 Making hunting a shared joy among family sometimes means putting the brakes on your own journey
24:00 Tree stands vs. ground blinds when hunting with kids
25:00 Judging snacks by how loud they are to unwrap
27:00 Stalking with a 7-year-old #buckfever
30:00 Building bridges with farmers
37:00 Hunting styles/methods vary by geography/culture... "Even if it is legal, that doesn't mean it's respectful to the animal"
40:00 Homeschooling & time management (say, during deer season)
47:00 Finding a balance when it comes to engaging your kids; Going by their cues
51:00 Family hardship... there's significance/meaning in doing hard things
54:00 The 75 Hard challenge
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Adult-onset hunter... traditional bows... five kids... would you guess those things add up to having six deer in the freezer? This week we're joined by Melody Haege, who talks to us about how she settled on traditional bowhunting when she began her sporting journey, and what it looks like today.

2:00 Living in the Minnesota 'big woods'

3:00 Six deer doesn't last that long for a family of seven; Keeping the blood to train a scent-tracking dog

4:00 Pig procurement & fat rendering tips

8:00 Deer hunting with a traditional bow (you need to hear about this 27-yard shot)

14:00 Adult-onset hunting & going all in

15:00 Being an excellent shooter isn't always synonymous with being an excellent hunter

16:00 You don't know what you don't know

18:00 Crossbow to traditional bow transition

20:00 Hunting/archery isn't one parent's "thing"... it's the family's thing

23:00 Making hunting a shared joy among family sometimes means putting the brakes on your own journey

24:00 Tree stands vs. ground blinds when hunting with kids

25:00 Judging snacks by how loud they are to unwrap

27:00 Stalking with a 7-year-old #buckfever

30:00 Building bridges with farmers

37:00 Hunting styles/methods vary by geography/culture... "Even if it is legal, that doesn't mean it's respectful to the animal"

40:00 Homeschooling & time management (say, during deer season)

47:00 Finding a balance when it comes to engaging your kids; Going by their cues

51:00 Family hardship... there's significance/meaning in doing hard things

54:00 The 75 Hard challenge

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