Previous Episode: 103. The cycles
Next Episode: the intimacy

She asked herself from the inside out, when does the war end?The war of art and the war on drugs.The war on sexuality and the war against countries. The wars in families and the war on poverty and the wars in schools?The wars are everywhere and all the people are scared because they don’t feel safe but they don’t realize they’re part of the problem because all they do is complain about things.They sit back and relax and crack open a beer or have a glass a wine and they watch evening news around dinner time...Or they go online and read about all the hard times, and then they talk about it like it’s a damn shame.They say things like, did you see what happened in the news today?Did you hear about that shooting?Did you hear about what’s going with that crazy guy at the mall when he did that stupid thing? Did you hear about so and so, and what he did when he was in high school?And then their friends complain back, and they say things “yes I saw that, and I couldn’t believe someone could do such an evil deed."And then you and your friends go off and complain even more about the same shit to your other friends, and that’s how wars spread.That’s how the global pain gets bigger, and that’s what keeps the cycles going and that’s what's keeping the fear going, and that’s what bringing the global frequency down. And that’s why so many people are killing themselves, and that’s why social media is loaded with spam and fake accounts, and that’s why you can’t get an MRI to save your life, and that’s why gas prices are so damn high, and that’s why I love, love, love to get high.It’s just that I don’t see the point in participating in the complaining about all the wars going on in the world because I’m more interested in ending the war within myself more than anything else. And Mary Jane just helps me rise above all the chaos humans love to talk about. Cuz me and Mary, we talk about how to become the best version of mySelf, so maybe one day, before the hand of God takes me, I might just rise above and become a reflection of light and love.So needless to say, we meditate a lot, and most of the time we don’t say too much.Instead, we get still.We listen to the silence in the background. We daydream about some really glorious things.We hold hands and we slow dance.And I just think that if more humans turned off the news and all the tools they use to escape their inner war, and they stop looking at all the problems in the world, and they took the time to raise their vibe, then we could collectively stop some of these wars going on, or at least stop them from getting worse.And things do get worse, especially if you keep doing what you’ve always done. But I know most humans love the feelings of fear and chaos, so the complaining will be hard to stop. LET’S BE SOCIALConnect with me via my favourite hangouts;+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Instagram+ @AlcoholInkArtStories+ Art Stories Site+ Confessions of an Empath