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Yeah so I got a lot to say, there's a lot of things I've been thinking about lately and I just wanted to share them with you cuz it seems to me, it seems to me, it seems to me, that there’s a lot of strange things going on behind the scenes, and I don’t know about you but I just don’t think anything is what it seems.Too many questions and too much chaos happening all at once and look at what it’s doing to us? It's making us fight for justice.Fight for equality.Fight to stop history from once again repeating itself over and over again.It’s causing the frustration within to act out and protest for a cause we call black lives matter, which is in fact funded by a white guy who goes by the name of George Soros.Whom by the way doesn’t actually give a shit about equality. So more than anything it’s just a ploy to fight for a cause that isn’t going away. But how can it when it’s become a self-fulling prophecy?Cuz if black lives mattered we wouldn't need to call it Black lives matter, because black lives would just matter. All people would matter.And the racism wouldn't be obvious like it is. And so if you think I’m out of line for suggesting this guy is part of corporate crime, then ask yourself...Why didn’t black lives matter to this extent when there wasn’t a pandemic?When it wasn't an election year?So why is George Floyd’s case such a sensitive situation, when we all know cops killing black people, yeah it goes on all the time am I right?So what...Is George Gloyd more special than all the other innocent black people that've been killed by cops...So people like  Aura Rosser, and Breonna Taylor, and Stephon Clark and Alton Sterling and Tanisha Anderson?Just to name a few...Or is it because George Floyd's death was caught on camera that we care more about this than we cared about them?Because you have to agree that it's really odd timing that this sorta thing happened the way it did, given the hard times with the COVID shit. And when we look at all the pieces of things, the reality is media controls everything, and their objective is to manipulate the narrative so human beings don’t feel safe.Why would they do such a thing?Because then humans will panic and do crazy things which weakens your body field, suppressing your immune system, causing you to self-sabotage in ways that make you buy things you don’t really need, just to fill the voids of never feeling peace. And so the question is, are all these things really happening or is it just part of the illusion? Is George Floyd even really dead?Did 4 cops really standby and let some bystander record their crimes?Cuz that just blows my mind unless they aren't really cops. Or maybe someone paid them to play the part as part of the plan to control the world. Who’s plan is it?It’s hard to say.I’m sure it’s all orchestrated by a group of old white guys who control the economy.So how do we know this isn't just another way to divide and distract us from what really matters the most, which is the awakening we need to achieve in order to save the world...In order to stop the control.The awakening we need in order to see the truth?The awakening we need in order to create the New World.A new world where racism and segregation is no longer part of our world. And we were so close.The downtime brought to us by COVID 19 was designed to help you slow down the momentum and change your perspective on things. And it was working. But then BOOM.&nbsp