Previous Episode: She's afraid
Next Episode: Grow apart

Knock knock...Who’s there?I dunno...You tell me...You’re the one knockin’ bro.I know. I’m asking you who’s there because I dunno who I am so I was hoping you could help me out?Oh.Well, I dunno who you are so sorry, no I can’t help.But you could ask your Higher-Self.She knows who you are better than anyone else.Ok, well, where is she then?You got a number or an address or a social media account so I can contact Her?No, I don't.But you do tho....She’s in your heart.No, She’s not.Trust me I know.My heart's been closed off since I was 3 years old, so there’s nothing there, that’s for damn sure.And don’t tell me to look.I've looked lots and the heart's empty... I can hear the echo when I yell helllllo...So it’s like a black hole, ya know?Now I know that’s not true.Just because you closed Her off doesn’t mean She’s not there. Just cause she echos back, doesn’t mean She’s not responding to you.Maybe you need to actually talk to Her like She’s there and maybe you’ll hear something different.Cuz the fact of the matter is, your heart has all the answers you need. She knows who you are and exactly what you need. And truth is, She never leaves.You just need to change the way you feel about what happened when you were three. And then you’ll change the way you feel about Her and all those sad stories about grief.Umm yeah, I'm gettin' a big No on that. There’s no way I’m forgiving them for what they did if that’s what you're talking about.I’ve tried that several times in the past, and the last time I did that, it only made things worse and I got hurt.Yeah, no doubt.That’s cuz you can’t forgive unless you have Her.She’s the key to everything you think is missing. That’s a fact, my friend.Cuz the heart...She only Loves, no matter the conditions.She doesn’t hold onto resentment. She doesn’t fight for her limitations.You feel those things when you try to ignore Her feelings.And so that’s the resistance you’re feeling.....That’s why you don’t know who you are.You're missing your heartSo there you go.Now you know the answer to your knock-knock joke. Not very funny, I know.But, what is funny is how many times we’ve talked about this, yet you still can’t seem to accept the fact that you’re actually dead, so this conversation is really irrelevant. Wouldn’t you agree?No, not really...I feel pretty alive, so maybe you’re the one that’s dead, and not me.SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong  EMAIL // [email protected]