Previous Episode: 41. Restless
Next Episode: 43. Discernment

You're only seeing what's in front of you.You're not seeing what's above you...You’re not seeing how God sees you…You're not seeing the overview of where you’re at and where you could go, cuz you’re stuck in the forest of sad stories, and you're only doing what you know.You're only giving it what you got and what you got isn't very much cuz, you won't change your perspective and stop doing so much. The reality is life doesn't have to be so hard.If you slow down and take a look around, and really make sense of where you're at and who you're being and what kinds of things you're thinking and feeling, and when you do that, you find leverage. A place you can get up on higher ground, so you can look down.A place that shows you how there's so more to life and how you've been living and you don't have to settle for how it's been.You don't have to hold onto the loose ends, and the red threads that remind you of all the times you lost something. You don't have to stay stuck in the trees and the roots of the sad stories. You don't have to let false beliefs keep you trapped in uncertainty. And you don't have to feel guilty for winning.Cause here's the thing…All those ways of being are gonna kill you if you don't change the way you think.You, my friend, need to understand that you're the one in control but you're limited by what you know.So you need to educate yourself on who you are and what's possible.When you empower yourself with information, you can make better decisions and thus you decide the life you want…You decide how you’ll love and who you'll love, how rich you'll be and how you'll look and feel in your physical body. And I want you to know you can create your life from my point of view if you allow yourself too. And I know you think that's not possible right now because you think I'm better than you, but that's the lies your Monster is telling you. But you don't take my word for it.Come see for yourself….Here, take my hand, I'll lift you up so you can sit in the clouds...Sit with me and see what I see.See that place over there, over to your left, 10 o’clock, that's where you're at right now in life...And look over there...That's where you've been. Over there, that’s where you’ve been...Notice how it's pretty much the same things.But look over there…To your right.And look above.See all those places you've never been.See all the opportunities you're missin’...So now that you know that there's more to life than you've been aware of, tell me, Sarah, where would you like to go?Once you figure it out, just follow the path of least resistance and I’ll help you out. All you have to do is feel good…Like I said before, you need to stop running and you need to stop trying so hard.You're really hard on yourself and that makes your Monster worse.But the more you feel good, the closer you get to yourSelf and that's all I really want for us…is to be together, as one. LET’S BE SOCIALConnect with me via my favourite hangouts;+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Instagram+ @AlcoholInkArtStories+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Facebook+ Art Stories Site+ Confessions of an Empath