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What comes of this?This pandemic and the crash of the economy and all the layoffs and the job losses? There has to be a bigger plan.God wouldn’t kick us down and then keep us there, for that wouldn’t be fair. So there is always something better on the other side of despair.But in the meantime, how do we bridge the gaps between falling apart and putting ourselves back together?I don’t know.Something like this is pretty fucked up and I don’t think we’ve done this before.But I don’t think it was a mistake, for everything has its divine timing if you ask me.I know for me when my life fell apart, it was a slower process than the COVID thing.I had some time to plan my demise a bit better than what some people are facing right now. And then I got lucky in a way because I was always financially ok. Not great. Always some uncertainty, but I was ok. Lucky for me I live a very simple life. I didn’t need much but I didn’t have my health, so that really sucked.And when I reflect back on those days...The cancer stuff.The breakup.The mastectomy.The radiation.The grief.The fear.The "what the fuck am I doing here?"The energy of it all was piling up so fast, I couldn’t slow it down. And between me and you, things got progressively worse for a while, because I didn’t know what I know now.But something I did do, that I believe kept me together in spite of it all falling apart, was my quest to become the highest ideal version of myself.And maybe that’s because I realized I could die sooner than I wanted to which then made me realize how much I hated who I was because who I was was a lie and I was not having fun.And more than I didn’t wanna die, I didn’t wanna die never being who I really was. So I started to indoctrinate myself with new information about light and love and I empowered myself with a life plan, which is not something I had ever done. Then made some big audacious goals and I documented my journey to achieving those goals so that I could keep myself accountable.And that’s what gave me the self-awareness I needed to stay true to my vision. To stay focused on the solution, so I wouldn’t focus on the facts and all setbacks, because that’s what brings ya down. And you can’t get up when you think you’re down, because you can’t think greater than how you feel. Anyway, long story short, what I did to get back up did kill me for sure. And dying is hard. Very hard. But my death was necessary because now I feel free to be the real me.And that’s the best part about falling apart...You get to fall together on a higher level and become who you were meant to be.And that’s what we all want.We just wanna be our true self.The self that is free to love unconditionally.So I guess I just wanna say, even though the world is going through some very dramatic changes, and it might feel very scary. You need to remember that how you feel affects everything. And sure, you can subscribe to the fear very easily. You can become the kind of person who needs to be part of the problem, or you can do the work to keep your frequency high.If you do, that will help you stay in the receiving mode, which will help you find your way Home. Thus, it’s time to rise.To get brutally honest with yourself.To tap into new skills, and new ways to serve.And I know it’s gonna be hard to start.