Previous Episode: no goodbye
Next Episode: Orgasm

Yeah, it’s been a minute but I’m back with it.

And no, I’m not the same girl.
No, I’m not the same girl.

I don’t know who I am exactly but you knew that already, so, I guess nothing has changed in that way, but I am different in a lot of ways.

But everyone is changing nowadays so I’m not the only one feelin' a bit cray-cray.

No. No, I'm not. 

The world is shifting to a new frequency and what I know for sure is it is exciting.

But change is never pretty. 

In order to go to where we wanna be, it sometimes means we have to fall apart in order to fall together at a higher level.

And it takes time.

Which is the hardest part to accept I think.

It’s the time it takes to go from having all the pieces of yourself all over the place to then doing the work to put the pieces of yourself back in place in a way that feels great.

And it takes a lot of guesswork at first...

So all you can do is try to sift and sort, and so you do and days and weeks and years go by and for a long time, it can feel like you're not making any progress at all.

But you are.

Every day is an etch in your etch-a-sketch of life. 

And if understand how to use an etch-a-sketch, then you know that it can be a really slow way to draw something out. 

But if you're careful.

If you set your intention on a vision that is for your highest and best good, and you pace yourself so you allow each etch to be in alignment with your quest, you will eventually sketch something epic. 

So it's important to remember that nothing is permanent. 

And once again, the etch a sketch is a good reminder of how all it takes is one shake, and just like that, all your hard work could be erased. 

And that can seem like a bad thing, but it's always another opportunity to re-create.

So it's good to know, we can always start fresh if we want a do-over. 

But I know from my own long and dark road of false highs and true lows and trying to put myself back together, it can bereally hard on the mind sometimes. And after a while it can feel like there's no point to life. 

And I know first hand how hard it is to get back up. 

I know what it's like to get stuck and wanna recluse.

The hibernation syndrome is a slippery slope...

Especially if you don’t get enough vitamin D3 and K2. 

These two nutrients will help support your mood, and ensure your bones are solid and secure so you have enough strength to get back up no matter the falls.

No matter the falls. 
No matter the falls. 

So the good news is, there is good news, yes there is...
If you feel down, there is hope. 

Sometimes we just need some supplementation to give us a helping hand out of our dark holes. 

And then the helping hand can lead you to a new point of view, which will then lead you to new ideas and new breakthroughs, which will lead you to good news and new opportunities that will take you to a new world. 

A new life.

So what I’m saying is vitamin D3 deficiency is a very serious problem that leads to a lot of symptoms that we could prevent if it was taken more seriously. 

I’m talking like 25,000-50,000IU a day as a way to prevent and heal a lot diseases like:





Heart disease


Chronic Pain

Irritable bowel

The flu


Just to name a few.

Oh, and calcium and magnesium are very important too. 

So there you