Next Episode: 1. Brunette

Welcome to Art Stories.

A project I’ve been working on my whole life…

For real.

I think this is why I’m here, actually…

And why I’m still alive.

So that I will create and share my Art Stories with the world.

But I didn’t realize it until recently.

See, just like most humans, I forgot who I really was, and where I came from, and as a result, I became a Monster, trapped in the forest of my war of art.

And I know you can relate because I’m sure you’re a Monster too.

Everyone is in their own way, it’s just that some Monsters are worse than others….more obvious you could say.

But regardless of how ugly your Monster is, or isn’t, we all have these personalities in our bodies that make us do crazy things.

Maybe you have a really angry Monster in you, who gets pissed off and flys off the handle when (HE) doesn’t get (HIS) way.

Or maybe your Monster is heartbroken so (HE’s) afraid of real love, so all (HE) does is love with conditions, so (HE) can’t really give and receive love, in the way you really want.

Or maybe your Monster has OCD and (HE) tries to control everything…

The money.

The kids.

The business.

The relationships…



And the way the toilet paper goes on and off the roll.

And that’s why you always feel stuck, never able to get any forward momentum in the direction you want.

So really, fear is the illusion (HE) keeps you stuck in….

And maybe your Monster is all of these ways of being and more, and you know it, but you don’t know how to change your self.

Which is a fair…

Change is hard.

And the extent of how hard it is, does have a strong correlation to how old you are, and after the age of 35, you have collected a lot of logic bombs that have imprinted in your heart and heart, habits and beliefs and ways of feeling, that tells you how to be…who you’re being.

It’s like a code written in your cells, so how the hell do you overwrite what you don’t want, so you can become someone you love when you don’t have the information?

You don’t.

Unless you start early…

But that’s unlikely.

These logic bombs start at infancy and they happen from the stories you experience, which then affects how you think and how to feel, and those feelings release chemicals into your body field, sending out a signal, shaping you into a human being….

So then as you do life, situations cause an effect and if it activates a logic bomb, you will act according to the script that is written in your cells, and the script was written by your parents, who were probably fucked up adults.

No offense to them.

It’s just the by-product of fucked up adults raising kids…

We just keep the cycles going when we tell kids how they should be, instead of letting them be who they really are.

So parents say things like, don’t do this and don’t do that.

Don’t be this way and don’t act like that.

Don’t look like this, and don’t watch that, and don’t say this, and worst of all, parents tell kids what is love and what isn’t…

Parents say, don’t be gay cuz same-sex love isn’t OK.

And don’t fall in love with someone that’s a different race, and don’t love more than one person at a time, and if you do, then that’s a sin, for how dare you to open your heart to love without conditions…

So we never really do learn how to love, the way our soul wants.

And that’s how the shame and guilt sets in like a disease, and eventually it’s not OK to show off your body, and then you don’t feel safe to say what you think