Previous Episode: #93) Confusing
Next Episode: #95) Rose Golden

I could be many things, but I can’t decide what one to be, and I have to be honest, it’s really hard for me to be me...

It makes me confusing for both me and my friends, which is probably why I don’t have any, except for the few I talked to in my head. 

And I know my confusing ways make me look inconsistent in a lot of ways.

It looks like she’s always trying to find her thing...

Like she’s always getting ready to be something big, but she really isn’t going anywhere great. 

Or maybe she is but she can’t see straight so she always on the fence on about whether or not she should keep going or should she quit.

But the reality of doing the work to become someone you love more than anyone else...

It’s a very narrow path and there is no framework to follow, which I’m pretty sure that’s why Jesus said, few there be that follow.

But Jesus did it...

So it can be done.

We all have the power within to find the path of least resistance, and to rise above being the victim.

And I just think if Jesus can do it back then, there’s no excuse why I can’t do it now.

So long as we stay the course we will figure ourself out. 

We will win the battles in our war of art and one day when all our Monsters are dead we can finally say we made it. 

We can finally say we enjoy the journey. 

Until then, we just have to accept that the quest is a journey, and there is a process to it. 

The steps you have to take to get to where you're going are small.
They aren’t always obvious...

And if you’ve never been home, it’s hard to know what way to go and how to get there. 

But I do know, the longer you stay the course, to raise your frequency, to feel satisfied and to surround yourself with colour energy, the pain eventually fades out, and you find the love you’ve been looking for and so much more...

And that’s what I want.

I want to love you so much, you can’t help but rise above whatever keeps you stuck, and you will stay that way forever...

So look out my love....

I’m getting close and I can feel divine timing is bringing us together like doves.


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