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What's up wit-chew man?

I’ve been fantasizing about flying lately..

Like a bird...

Or a fly...

Or a bee.

But I don’t think I’d ever wanna be a butterfly, you know why?

Why man?

They are crazy when they fly!!

It’s like they don’t really know where there’re going, or why, so they’re so unpredictable, ya know?

The bounce more then fly really, and that just doesn’t feel good to me.

It’d like being on roller coaster that never ends...if you ask me.

But I guess it beats being a caterpillar...

They’re stuck in their war of art, if you ask me.

The butterflies are obviously the ones that make it out alive.

But me...

When I rise..

I wanna really fly...
I wanna be strong in my wings, nothing stop me.

And, I always know where I’m going.

I wanna soar with ease and I wanna be able to fly wherever I please. 

Anything less is just...not an option for me. 


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