Previous Episode: 5. Orange orgasms
Next Episode: 7. Unconditional Love

…But what’s really annoying about you and me, is that every time I actually see you in my dreams you’re running away from me…

Probably because that’s what you did to me, and to be honest, I’m still a lil' pissed, because it doesn’t make sense…

Why you would run away when you knew very well we were supposed to be God’s together?

And don’t be coy, I know you felt the same kind of feelings.

I know you wanted me just as much as I wanted you and I know Love, at first sight, is weird at first it’s also really exciting too…

And I want us to feel that.

And I believe we will when the time is right.

That’s why I haven’t given up on you.

I believe true love is possible.

I believe in you and I believe in us, and I believe in the power of belief, so I just think that someday I’ll dream about you finding the link and you’ll contact me and you’ll come meet me at the Gateway and you won’t run away…

And one day that dream will come true.

And I believe dreams do come true….


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