Previous Episode: 45. Chemistry
Next Episode: 47. Unstoppable

I know it’s hard to find the balance of giving and receiving.

And when you’re an empath it can be exhausting because you feel other people’s pain like it’s your own, and you know, you don’t like to hurt anymore than you already do, so you want to save others from hurting too.

And it’s not a bad thing….

To want to help others out.

But sometimes you give too much of yourself, and then yourself feels left out.

And sometimes the kindness you give to others, isn’t given back in return, because you didn’t discern that you were giving to those who weren’t willing to help themselves…

So you get let down.

And then you feel like you’re not worthy of the same kind of love in return, and then yourself feels like you’re not good enough to be loved in return.

Thus, the kindness you give must be delivered with compassion, not empathy.

Just because you feel bad for somebody, and you could help them, doesn’t always mean you should.

Just because you could give of yourself in some way, doesn’t always mean you need too.

And truth be told, sometimes we tread the line of codependency when sometimes your kindness is actually a way to feed your narcissistic tendencies.

So be kind, yes….

But use discernment in your kindness…

Do it with love, but have healthy boundaries in place for yourself, and make sure you’re giving for the right reasons, and that will be sure to attract the right kind of appreciation. 


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