Previous Episode: 10. Collide
Next Episode: 12. to die

How do you know who you are if you never spend time alone?

If you don’t eat alone…

If you don’t live alone….

If you don’t sleep alone…

If you don’t travel alone…

How do you know what you really want?

What your goals are?

What your interests are?

What you prefer?

What makes you happy, what doesn’t…

How do you know what you want, if you’re always influenced by someone else….?

….When you’re always around someone else?

You don’t.

You can’t.

Being alone teaches you about you, and when you know yourself, you become a magnet for all your desires to come to you, and you don’t even have to try very hard.

It just happens because law of attraction is always in action, and so, if you want something specific then you have to know what that feels like and looks like, and the only way to know, is to know yourSelf, cuz when you know yourSelf, then you trust that what comes to you is right because yourSelf knows exactly what you want.

And that’s when life gets really good because you keep attracting more of what you really want….

But it can be hard to get to that place of self-knowing.

Being alone can be scary at first…

And it can feel very suffocating, especially if you hate your self. 

If you don’t trust your self. 
If your self has a lot of shame and guilt and heartbreak….

So being stuck alone with someone you don’t really wanna be around can be quite uncomfortable, to say the least.

But if you don’t like being around yourself what makes you think other people wanna be around you?

And so, if you don’t give yourself a go, chances are you’ll live a life that never feels very good.

And if you never feel good you keep attracting more things that don’t feel good, and the next thing you know, life is over and you’ll leave and you’ll never really get what you came here for….

A deeper understanding of who you are and what you really want, which is more love.

And trust me when I say, you’ll regret it one day in time and space when you wish you had the power within to leap over tall mountains….

To feel the power of your true self.

So I just wanna say, you’re worth getting to know….and I know it’s gonna be hard at first, but tell yourself one thing…after the pain, there's love.


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