Previous Episode: 99. Bat shit crazy
Next Episode: 101. more love

I wanna see more people witnessing all the miraculous ways law of attraction shows up to create the life they love....

I wanna see more people witnessing all the miraculous ways law of attraction shows up as a way to create a life they want.

But, the hard part is, getting clear on what you love.

Most of the time we get stuck in the lie that life has to be done a certain way. That we have to work at a job we hate just to pay bills for things we don’t really need, all as a way to fill in the voids caused by our childhood stories...cuz that’s where the problems begin, isn’t it?

It’s during the imprinting stages when all of our stories get fed through the head and heart and our small innocent souls create these codes of beliefs and ways of thinking and feeling and over time we become a somebody.

Personality traits.



Coping mechanisms, etc. 

And how you feel about yourself creates your reality.

So needless to say, your perspective of who you are and what you think you deserve...

What you think you’re capable of...

That causes law of attraction to bring to you everything you have and everything you think you want.

So if you like your life, then I guess you like yourself right.

 And that's cool. 

Then you're doing good right?
So long as you're not lying to yourself...
Cuz, remember, the lies will catch up to you. 

But if you don’t like your life, and you know that then you better take a look at yourself and discern what kinds of stories are keeping you stuck, and re-write them so you see them with love.

The more you see with love the more love you’ll create and love conquers all limited beliefs. All flawed ways of thinking. 

Thus, how you think and feel affects your reality.



Good day. 

Good day.


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