This week, I need a little time to concentrate on building up my 3D Printing Business so it can be a bit more successful and provide more for my family – and, after seeing such rapid and encouraging growth on my channel lately, I felt it was time I updated and improved the biography and vision pages on my website, “About Me” on Twitch, and contact churches, ministries, and individuals – inside and outside my circle – and introduce myself and explain Christian Ninja Online Missions.

I believe with all my heart that God has called me to stop seeking a traditional pastoral position (as I’ve had for the past 16 years) and serve the online gaming and streaming community full-time. I’ve had my vision, calling, and gifting affirmed by many Christian elders and have raised some support already. So, my current task (and biggest need) is to find people who share my excitement for what God is doing on this new frontier of global missions and want to enable me to pour my whole heart into this work through their financial support.

It’s not something I’ve ever done before, so please keep me in prayer.

But, I didn’t want to skip putting out a podcast episode today – because that’s a bad habit that I don’t want to start – so I went through my website analytics and decided to share what is probably, my most popular message, all about Jesus’ relationship with children and what that means to us today.

Thank you for listening and I hope this connects with you in some helpful way..