[Part 2 of 5] What can you do now to plant the seeds for future opportunities and career pivots. In this episode, we touch on a talk by Steve Jobs and how "making dots" intentionally is the best way to create the scaffolding for your future career and business possibilities.


Some quick highlights from this episode:


* What can you do now to set yourself up for a future career pivot.

* How LSD, yoga teachers, and calligraphy influenced Apple.

* How to use your interests and passions to create future business opportunities.

* You have 30,000 days of life to live. What will you do with your time?

* Growth happens at the edge of our comfort zone.

* Bring awareness and intentionality to your activities now, to create a better future later.


Hello, I’m Ernest.

I'm an executive coach, and I focus on supporting innovative leaders.

The work we do helps leaders confidently navigate uncertainty, clearly communicate their vision, lead with authenticity, and catalyze change.

We use executive coaching and strategy facilitation to look at the impact you want to make and remove obstacles that are standing in your way. 

Sounds interesting?

Connect with me on LinkedIn, or get in touch via e-mail.