In the second “talking to millennials” series, we have Kylie Toh on the other side of the microphone. She is the founder of The Chic Geek - a non-profit organization that helps women transition into technical careers, and learn to be more comfortable in the tech community.


Kylie wanted a job that makes a difference. And she didn’t find it after university. A few jobs, and career changes later - she decided to make her passion project into her full time career. She now works with a small team of volunteers organizing events and workshops for women in tech and entrepreneurship.


She is also a millennial. A driven, passionate, young woman who is clear on her values. This interview will give you another insight into a new generation of entrepreneurs. Young people who are pursuing their passions and building their own dream jobs.


You can find Kylie at or on Twitter at: 


I am also giving away a copy of “The Dip” by Seth Godin. I bought two copies by accident, and now someone gets to win one. It’s a book about becoming “best in the world” by quitting the wrong things at the right time, and sticking with the right things. To enter, just send me a tweet @ebarbaric - and let me know what you are up to.


What projects are you working on, a great book you read recently, or if there was something that helped you from the podcast.


You can find me at:


Enjoy the show!

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