What would happen if you followed your intuition and heart in business? What if you didn’t focus so much on the obstacles, but rather stayed positive and took action? For today’s episode I have a great story to share with you that will touch on both of those questions. The story follows a married couple who took on the challenge of becoming entrepreneurs somewhat accidentally. And now, three years later they are looking to expand their growing startup business, and share their learnings with us in this interview.




I am starting to research tribes and communities for my first book. So I am looking for some interesting examples of brands and individuals who have build a great community of some sort. This could be a cool yoga studio you know of, a popular restaurant in your city, or an app with a rabid fan-base. If you know of anyone who fits — please let me know. Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] , or you can find me on Twitter at ebarbaric

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