While we can talk about all of the techniques for getting new ideas, ways to weed out our influences and different aspects of our work that might need attention, none of that will take us very far if we're being held up by any of these 5 blocks.

Developing our work requires us to take risk, know ourselves well, and have the ability to show up day in and day out. Unfortunately, there are some common (yet, not always obvious reasons) why we might have a hard time doing that. In today's episode, I dig into the 5 main things that tend to stand between us and our best work and how you can address them.

This is the second episode of the Artwork Development series. It's okay to listen out of order, but when you're done make sure you go back and listen to last week's episode, too!

Get the 5 blocks email series for additional prompts and reflections that go with this episode here.

If you enjoyed this episode you'll dig my style development workshop series, UNIQUE, which is open for enrollment right now. Learn more here.

Head to patreon.com/devonwalz for bonus episodes.




IG: @devonwalzart

Tittok: @devonwalz