Episode 15: Welcome to this week’s episode of Art Is... a podcast for artists where Gisela A. Lazarte, a Venezualen abstract painter based in NYC introduces us to her creative process and shares her approach to developing a sustainable art business. Gisela’s professional background is film and video, and these are key influences in her interdisciplinary work, along with music and movement. 

Gisela didn’t attend a traditional art school but instead found her way back to painting, which she pursued in childhood through creative experimentation and a therapy practice. The conversation covers Gisela’s approach to time management, sharing her work on social media and investing in the expertise of Art Advisors (Dazed & Confucius) for support. 

Gisela’s work is defined by her creativity and her ability to prioritize time in the studio, in this episode she also shares her approach to selling art and how to think about setting a price you’re confident and comfortable with. Join Isotta on today’s episode that delves into the life and perspective of a contemporary working artist. 

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

The gradual progression from one creative field to anotherMovement in painting can originate from other forms of art, i.e. film, music and videoHaving an open mind when creating something new often may lead to your best workCultures, music, and seasons can all influence a paintingExisting as both an artist and an art business personIntroducing art consultants to help with the business side of things (Dazed & Confucius)

Guest Info:

Connect with Gisela A. Lazarte on Instagram, on her website, or via email at [email protected]

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