Episode 06: Part 2 of Isotta’s deep dive with Michael Clements, Artist and Founder of Art Jamz. Michael explains what an ‘artrapreneur’ is and how he learned business skills as he grew his creative passions into professional enterprises. Isotta asks Michael what his top tips for emerging artists are and Michael emphasizes the importance of separating your personal and professional finances along with setting up a business entity. The conversation delves into the mindset of owning ‘your’ business as a creative and how to be your own boss. Michael also emphasizes the beauty in randomness and how his professional creative path was nonlinear. The episode also covers how Michael navigated his business Art Jamz through covid and how external forces allowed him to grow and adapt his business into an innovative community-centered business model. The episode ends with Michael’s advice on crafting a mission statement to help guide the development of your art business. 

* Opening clip by Creative Career Coach Lauryn Hill 

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Show Notes:

Welcome to this week’s episode of Art Is... a podcast for artists where Michael Clements explores all of the leaps of faith he experienced as an ‘artapreneur’ and why each of them changed the way he does business today. As a creator, every move is a leap of faith in generating future income.

What is the entry point for making creativity your career? Act like a business. Set up an LLC, a separate entity that is entirely yours. You are creating this belief; a seed to saturate, take root, and bear fruit. Michael tells us to put yourself in the situation you want to be in to make things happen. 

The beauty of being a creator is you have full control of your resources and what you choose to do with them. So when the world changes or you change, creativity can also change. And the more leaps of faith you take, the more it becomes natural to adapt and pivot while still being in line with your mission statement. Join Isotta on today’s episode as Michael leads us through the chaos that is life to always have direction and peace of mind in knowing that your creativity is your north star, and to leap into it.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

Taking the leap of faith for your future and careerManifesting what you want and taking the steps to make it happenFocus on your mission; what do you want to bring into the worldDon’t be afraid of adapting to the world around you and making it your ownWhen you maintain focus on your mission, passive income is your future

Resources Mentioned:

Art JamzArt Jamz Instagram 

Guest Info

Connect with Michael Clements on his website and Instagram.

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