Episode 04: Michael Facchinello Founder and CEO of Altamira shares about his exciting new venture Altamira.art, an online communal marketplace for artists, art fans, critics, and collectors. Altamira’s focus is on helping artists gain social proof, and sell their work to the burgeoning collector base stemming from the tech and startup world. Micheal and Isotta discuss the importance of writing about and critiquing emerging artists' work. The discussion centers around Altamira’s vision of democratizing the art buying process by removing the traditional art world gatekeepers. Part 1 of the discussion concludes with Micheal explaining Shoot Portraits Not People, a physical NFT and social justice project Altamira supported in the wake of the Uvalde attack. 

* Opening clip 'How to tap into that Big Shift Energy' by Creative Career Coach Lauryn Hill 

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Show Notes:

Welcome to this week’s episode of Art Is... a podcast for artists where Michael Facchinello, founder and CEO of Altamira, narrates his experience in the art and business industries and how they both collide in his future to create the perfect merge of artist appreciation, art education, promotion of good causes, and recognition for all.

Michael’s career changes with one question: "How can you improve the art world?” No online platforms do anything different than Amazon or an art gallery and selling art is not just any e-commerce transaction. Michael’s motivation begins to sputter and soon he will be giving artists an appreciation and a career they have long yearned for.

Join Isotta on today’s episode as Michael Facchinello gives us a glimpse into the world of Altamira and the magic of making the world a more cohesive place through knowledge, a platform, and a passion superseding the artist itself. 

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform.

Topics Covered:

How an artist can gain recognitionArt is not for the e-commerceThe advantages of social proof as an ArtistLack of education about Art

Resources Mentioned:

Book a time with Michael here.Sculptures: Shoot portraits not people

Guest Info

Connect with Michael Facchinello on Instagram and his bio and website.

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