Makoto Fujimura, world renown artist, talks in depth about his book, Culture Care.  He shares his profound ideas about culture being a resource we are called to steward rather than a territory to be won or lost.  We talk about the vital importance of beauty to the sustainablity of a thriving culture for generations to come. He describes artists as being "border-stalkers", people who don't quite fit in to one group but those who walk the margins and are able to move from different cultures and people groups.  Border-stalkers can become cultural leaders by using beauty and creativity to ultimately connect us to each other.   

Makoto is director of Fuller Theological Seminary's Brehm Center of Worship Theology and the Arts.  He has received four honorary doctorate degrees and is an alumni of Bucknell University.  He has work displayed across the globe and has served as a presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts from 2003-2009.  He has also written a book of essays called Refractions and the award winning book, Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering. 

Find out more by visiting his websites: