Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s a perfect time to consider the aspects of your life that are weighing you down without contributing to your happiness and success. April is the month for cleaning out in the Art Biz Success community. In this episode, I’m highlighting some of my previous interviews with artists who have discussed cleaning out in one form or another, from removing physical items to cleaning out business ideas and strategies, modes of working, and even the venues where you show and sell your art.

If you are ready to deep clean your art business, to release what isn’t serving you and banish all that is getting in the way of your productivity and creativity, then you won’t want to miss the insights and inspiration from these successful artists.



April is the month to focus on cleaning out your art business. (0:01)

Is there one single best way to get organized? Heather Powers says no. (2:23)

Tips to help you get started on cleaning out and organizing your spaces. (6:09)

Redefining your relationship with things so that you can let go. (10:41)

How to prepare your studio for a big move. (14:50)

Take control of your business so that it works for you, even if it means emptying out your galleries. (19:16)

Control your income by controlling your inventory. (23:29)

Connecting with buyers outside of the galleries. (27:02)

Releasing old work so you can focus on what is most meaningful. (28:21)

Increasing your creativity begins with cleaning out the cobwebs. (34:32)



Episode 36 Reaching the Other 99% for Your Art Business with Adele Sypesteyn

Episode 33 Reinventing Your Art Career with Ali Cavanaugh

Episode 23 Leaving Behind What is Safe with Jan R. Carson

Episode 10 Creative Organizing with Heather K. Powers

Episode 49 A Year of Cleaning Out with Daryl D. Johnson

Round Top Antiques Fair

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo



Featured artists, comments, and full transcript

Art Career Success System

Art Biz Success Community

Intro and outro music by Wildermiss