There’s no neat way to explain what success is because it’s different for every artist. I hope this episode is the start of an ongoing conversation on the subject.


Success for artists might include income (sales), exhibitions, leadership roles, achievements, collections, and studio production. A few of the diverse stories of success from artist-guests of The Art Biz. The importance of aligning the goals for your art and expectations of yourself with how you want your life to be. Success requires you to be nimble—to adapt to changing circumstances and be open to risks and failures. My best advice: Success doesn’t happen all at once. It’s the result of small wins, each of which must be acknowledged in order to stay motivated and focused on your vision.

📖 To read the complete transcript, see featured artists, and comment about the topic of success, visit


🔶 Sponsored by The Art Biz Accelerator 🔶 a coaching group to support you as you follow your vision and take successful steps along the way.

🔶 Sponsored by the Create Opportunities Challenge 🔶 a 3-month program this fall to help you find and improve venues for showing, selling, and/or teaching art. It’s about being intentional rather than waiting for an email in your inbox. Find out more and see if it’s for you



Lessons from a Wildly Successful Pop-up Art Gallery Event with Mai Wyn Schantz (ep. 109) Overcoming Anxiety about Making Art World Connections with Heather Beardsley (ep. 160) Increasing Self-Sales by 400% with Sarah Becktel (ep. 157) Play Tops Work, Connection Tops Solitude, and Confidence Tops Fear with Willie Cole (ep 126) Expanding Your Skillset to Respond to Opportunities with Detour (ep. 128) Guaranteeing an Effective Project with Eve Jacobs-Carnahan (ep. 121)


⛰️ The Art Biz is recorded on the traditional land of the Cheyenne, Arapaho and Ute tribes.



This is a special invitation to all Indigenous and BIPOC artists, wherever you are in the world, to share your story here on The Art Biz. Here’s how ~~~~>