In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss ways we each keep our creative sparks going. We start with exploring what happens when that spark goes dim and explore further ways each of us use to bring it back. Along the way, Kate puts forth a few theories about which Dragon Ball Z character Rob relates to most.
Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is about some mind boggling photography; the other is a way to play with doodling.
** Last but not least, an important announcement about the show: **
To make space for other projects Art and Science Punks is going on hiatus. It's been an amazing year and we appreciate you going on this adventure with us!
Related Links and Resources
Inboard - Organize Your Inspiration (
Unblocking — Interactive Storyteller (
Lean Into Art (
Privacy Badger | Electronic Frontier Foundation (
Kate's Science Pick: JunoCam | Mission Juno (
Rob's Art Pick: Doodling with any art prompt list or prompt generator. Tools such as Pinterest collections of prompts ( or these other options: ArtPrompts (, Random Art Prompt Generator (, Character Design Art Prompt Idea Generator (
Art and Science Punks on Twitter (@artsciencepunks) (
Art and Science Punks (@artandsciencepunks) on Instagram (
Kate Stenzinger on Twitter (
Rob Stenzinger on Twitter (
Sign up for the Art and Science Punks Newsletter (

In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss ways we each keep our creative sparks going. We start with exploring what happens when that spark goes dim and explore further ways each of us use to bring it back. Along the way, Kate puts forth a few theories about which Dragon Ball Z character Rob relates to most.

Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is about some mind boggling photography; the other is a way to play with doodling.

** Last but not least, an important announcement about the show: **

To make space for other projects Art and Science Punks is going on hiatus. It's been an amazing year and we appreciate you going on this adventure with us!

Related Links and Resources

Inboard - Organize Your Inspiration
Unblocking — Interactive Storyteller
Lean Into Art
Privacy Badger | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Kate's Science Pick: JunoCam | Mission Juno
Rob's Art Pick: Doodling with any art prompt list or prompt generator. Tools such as Pinterest collections of prompts or these other options: ArtPrompts, Random Art Prompt Generator, Character Design Art Prompt Idea Generator
Art and Science Punks on Twitter (@artsciencepunks)
Art and Science Punks (@artandsciencepunks) on Instagram
Kate Stenzinger on Twitter
Rob Stenzinger on Twitter
Sign up for the Art and Science Punks Newsletter

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