Is play as an activity inherently purposeful?
In this episode of Art and Science Punks, Kate and Rob discuss play: playing in different contexts to relax, to be challenged, and to be inspired to make stuff.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and science pick for some fun and useful resources to explore drawing with AI and Earth Day.
Related Links and Resources
"Chris Crawford describing the unique power of "games" or "play" or "interactivity"" Dragon Speech Part 2 of 5 (
Jerzy Drozd of Comics Are Great! ( and Lean Into Art (
Wild Rumpus | Books for Young Readers (
Pinboard (
Bookmarklet - Wikipedia (
Kate's Science Pick: How to be less of a jerk to the environment | Minnesota Public Radio News (
Rob's Art Pick: AutoDraw (
Comics & Writing — Tory Woollcott (
Google's A.I. Experiments (
Noun Project - Icons for Everything (
Art and Science Punks on Twitter (@artsciencepunks) (
Art and Science Punks (@artandsciencepunks) on Instagram (
Kate Stenzinger on Twitter (
Rob Stenzinger on Twitter (

Is play as an activity inherently purposeful?

In this episode of Art and Science Punks, Kate and Rob discuss play: playing in different contexts to relax, to be challenged, and to be inspired to make stuff.

Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and science pick for some fun and useful resources to explore drawing with AI and Earth Day.

Related Links and Resources

"Chris Crawford describing the unique power of "games" or "play" or "interactivity"" Dragon Speech Part 2 of 5
Jerzy Drozd of Comics Are Great! and Lean Into Art
Wild Rumpus | Books for Young Readers
Bookmarklet - Wikipedia
Kate's Science Pick: How to be less of a jerk to the environment | Minnesota Public Radio News
Rob's Art Pick: AutoDraw
Comics & Writing — Tory Woollcott
Google's A.I. Experiments
Noun Project - Icons for Everything
Art and Science Punks on Twitter (@artsciencepunks)
Art and Science Punks (@artandsciencepunks) on Instagram
Kate Stenzinger on Twitter
Rob Stenzinger on Twitter

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