60 years ago this week, on July 23, 1962, President Kennedy addressed the US and Europe simultaneously by video via a Telstar satellite link. As with the transatlantic telegraph cable about a century before, it was a major development. (Bill and Rachel.) Links and notes for ep. 435 (PDF): http://arsenalfordemocracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/AFD-Ep-435-Links-and-Notes-Telstar.pdf … Read more

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60 years ago this week, on July 23, 1962, President Kennedy addressed the US and Europe simultaneously by video via a Telstar satellite link. As with the transatlantic telegraph cable about a century before, it was a major development. (Bill and Rachel.)

Links and notes for ep. 435 (PDF): http://arsenalfordemocracy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/AFD-Ep-435-Links-and-Notes-Telstar.pdf

Intro music by Stunt Bird.

The post July 17, 2022 – Telstar – Arsenal For Democracy Ep. 435 appeared first on Arsenal For Democracy.