Walker's Book:
Clifford's reviews will appear in forthcoming publications at First Things and Ad Fontes.
Overview of Walker’s book: eschatology, anthropology, missiology, and an appendix
The logic of the gospel plays out in each of these - each requires religious liberty: if Christians want to evangelize, we must accept that people might not believe, which entails that people are free not to believe. Hence, the government cannot impose upon people any beliefs. This has assumptions about baptism: we have to choose the gospel. Hence, society must be arranged in such a way that chosen baptism is possible.

Walker's Book:


Clifford's reviews will appear in forthcoming publications at First Things and Ad Fontes.

Overview of Walker’s book: eschatology, anthropology, missiology, and an appendix

The logic of the gospel plays out in each of these - each requires religious liberty: if Christians want to evangelize, we must accept that people might not believe, which entails that people are free not to believe. Hence, the government cannot impose upon people any beliefs. This has assumptions about baptism: we have to choose the gospel. Hence, society must be arranged in such a way that chosen baptism is possible.