Darhk steals the laptop keeping him locked out of "Rubicon" and launches over 15,000 nuclear missiles, giving the team two hours to prevent worldwide annihilation. With Star City citizens rioting, Oliver addresses everyone directly, inspiring hope in them to stay strong, while Felicity and Curtis divert the missile aimed at Star City. Oliver goes after Darhk, while Felicity, Merlyn, and Thea track down "Rubicon". Felicity is able convince Cooper to stop helping Darhk, and Curtis devises a means to stop the missiles. Oliver is able to nullify Darhk's powers with the hope he inspired throughout the city. While the citizens of Star City take on Darhk's remaining men, Oliver and Darhk physically battle, with Oliver killing Darhk. Afterward, Lance, Thea, and Diggle leave the team for new lives, and Oliver is appointed Mayor. In flashbacks, Reiter and Taiana fight; Taiana is able to drain Reiter's life force enough for Oliver to kill him. After, Oliver is forced to kill Taiana, at her request, when she is unable to escape the darkness within. Oliver radios Amanda Waller to rescue the rest of the prisoners and keep the idol safe.