Oliver refuses Nyssa's offer, instead he attempts to convince Malcolm to relinquish control of the League to Nyssa in exchange for the cure. Malcolm claims Nyssa is lying and refuses to go along, while Nyssa agrees but proclaims that if Malcolm backs out then everyone will be considered an enemy. Oliver convinces Nyssa to provide a sample to prove to Merlyn she is not lying. After witnessing Thea get better, Malcolm agrees to the deal. At the exchange, Malcolm double-crosses Nyssa and she is forced to retreat. Oliver convinces Malcolm to challenge Nyssa to a duel, with the winner remaining the leader of the League. Before they fight, Oliver uses ancient rules to trade places with Nyssa as her husband. Oliver bests Malcolm, but instead of killing him he cuts off the hand wearing the Demon's Head ring and knocks Malcolm unconscious. Oliver exchanges the ring for the cure. Realizing her mistake, Nyssa disbands the League and destroys the ring. Angered by Oliver's betrayal, Malcolm informs Darhk about Oliver's son. In flashbacks, Reiter takes a stone from Oliver that has the symbols he seeks.