Jay and Squidge take listeners on a delightful journey through the world of gaming, blending deep dives into classic games like Diablo with bite-sized banter and hilarious anecdotes. From Squidge's love for the loot system to Jay's wild idea of telling strangers to wake up.

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Show Notes

Because he started us off last time (and even though he was the guest for this one), Squidge introduced the episode and the idea behind it:

Waffling Taylor's Lite: the pocket size podcast that packs a gaming punch.

In this serving of bite-sized banter with a side of gaming goodness, we talked to Squidge about his thoughts on the Diablo series.

Take it away, guys.

— Squidge

The WT Lite series of episodes will be peppered in alongside the "standard" episodes, so keep an eye out for them. These episodes allow us to focus specifically on a specific game or series, and really focus on our guest's thoughts - Jay: Squidge's elevator pitch for these episodes was "All the waffle, half the caffeine"

The whole point of these Waffling Taylors Lite episodes is to get a kind of feel for what the guest really, really like about the game in question.

We've already done one with me about the Borderlands series, and I thought we could focus on Diablo III. I know that, at the time of recording, Diablo IV has just come out of the beta period, and happy days for the people who are playing it. But we're focusing on the ones that came out beforehand

— Jay

Which Class Would You Be & Why?

Jay started the conversation about Diablo with a question that, pretty much, all Diablo players have asked themselves:

So in the Diablo universe, there are loads and loads of different characters. If you could be a character, or a character class, within the Diablo universe, what class would you be and why?

— Jay

And Squidge's answer is slightly more beastly than you might have thought... for someone who may or may not be an anthropomorphised cartoon wolf in an RPD police officer uniform, that is.

It would be a character from the second Diablo and it would be from "The Lords of Destruction", which is an expansion pack that came out for it. It would be a Druid.

They brought Druids back for Diablo IV, they [weren't] in Diablo III. They took a slightly different turn on that.

I would be a Druid, mainly for the ability to summon familiars to fight alongside me, all the while I turn myself into a werebear so that I can cast elemental skills. Because when you're a werebear, you can still cast elementals.

So I'm a bear running round with my familiars next to me, and I'm making volcanos appear out of nowhere and summoning tornadoes.

— Squidge

Imagine the scene: you're walking through the forest and suddenly a bear, summoning other animals, and doing magic.

Scary stuff, for sure.

Full Show Notes

Check out the full show notes for the full list of Squidge's questions, some extra stuff, and some links to related things.

Have you played any of the Diablo games? Is Azmodan really that chonk? Who would win in a dance-off? Let us know!

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