Matthew (the host of The Dead Drop podcast) is back to talk about Hi-Fi Rush and Squidge's intense GoldenEye sessions on the Nintendo Switch, the group dives deep into their recently played games. We also explore the potential for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to play the next Doctor Who and the frustrating slow text speed in games. And Hi-Fi Rush. Did we mention Hi-Fi Rush?

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Show Notes

Remember when Matt Bliss was on the show, back in episode 145? Well, he's back, with way more tangents than before.

But before that, the episode had to start with a cold open of some of the nonsense that everyone got up to in the recording; otherwise, the nonsense would end up on the cutting room floor, and you'd never get a taste of the true experience of recording the show.

Squidge's intro to this episode was on point:

From active timer battling to zombie slaying, Waffling Taylors covers video games beyond.
In this first of a two parter episode, we are joined by our good friend Matthew Bliss from the Dead Drop Game News podcast. Now, by his own words, Matthew has described our podcast as being "long form episodes with banter being lethal." Well, you aint seen nothing yet.

In this episode we cover everything from sneezing into tubas to our recently played games. So sit back, grab some snacks, and get ready for our latest episode which is entitled "Waffling Taylors with Matthew Bliss: The Lethality of Tangents - Part One.
— Squidge

And whilst Matt lives in a different part of the world to Jay and Squidge, it was rather cold where the Waffling Taylors live:

In our part of the world. It is rather cold right now, but that's perfect weather for staying in and playing video games
— Jay

You've always got to see the positive.

And Matt describes all of his podcasting stuff as:

The last time I was on the show I talked about this, I've got a video game news podcast that's audio only. It's called, and the name's actually changed. It used to be the Dead Drop Ten Minute Video Game News and now it's just Dead Drop Game News. Nice and easy to search. But those are ten minute episodes twice a week of video game news that I summarize for you so you don't have to go through all those articles and read all the clickbait and all the nonsense that Kotaku and all those other outlets tend to pad their stuff with. I just give you the info straight up.

But I also have started a business as well since called, where I edit other people's podcasts as well. So if you listening right now, have a burning desire to start a podcast or you just cannot be bothered editing your podcast any more, then let me know
... I think last time I was on actually, I talked about the Teaching Culture Cast that I used to run as well, where I interviewed teachers about their experience and sharing as professional development for others. But I've since kind of indefinitely hiatused that one
— Matt Bliss

So yes, Matt is a pretty busy dude.

Jay mentions a tweet when talking about Matt's show Dead Drop Game News - which you should definitely listen to, by the way.

I lost in when @MattBlissPod said "Apparently this counts as news as well," on the most recent @DeadDropPod
— Jay

Full Show Notes

A full transcript of this "raw with Jay" episode is available in the full show notes - because there are loads of books you can read, and some web-based resources for you to consume.

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