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Show Notes

His go at hosting the show in our previous episode - Mad Max in Bright Colours with The B - might have gone to his head, as Squidge decided to start this episode off in a confused place.

And we started the conversation off with discussion of Jay's moustache, which looks somewhere between Yosemite Sam and Freddie Mercury. But this episode wasn't just about Jay and Squidge, they were joined by... let's quote Jay, actually

Andrew "Dreamcast years, multiple podcast man, Editor in Chief for Lost in Cult" Dickinson
- Jay

And that might just be his official title. Andrew was most recently on the show in the second part of our discussion on Resident Evil Apocalypse - here's a link to that - but that wasn't the last thing that the three of us were on together. Both Squidge and Jay were invited onto an episode of the Dreamcast Years podcast - it was episode 12 actually - and it was a complete blast. So definitely check that out, if you haven't already.

Catching Up with Andrew

We couldn't have Andrew on the show without talking about the positive things that have happened with him recently. Some of these things include:

Dreamcast Years Volume Two is well on the wayLost in Cult has started, and Andrew was made Editor-in-ChiefLost in Cult volume One has shippedLost in Cult Volume Two has started production, too

at the time of recording this episode, the kickstarter campaign for volume two was still active. Please bear that in mind as you listen to the episode

CultCast has launchedIt just goes to show that if you want something done, give it to someone who is already busy
- Squidge

Recent Games

The Recent Games segment will not be new to listeners, but in case you're new to the show here's how it goes: we go round the table and discuss one or more games that we've been playing recently, and whether we think it's worth the listeners checking it out. We continue to do this until we've run out of games to discuss.

I love to hear what everyone's been playing, and whether they would recommend it.
- Jay

Of course we were interested in what Andrew had been playing recently. So it was only natural that we would ask him what he had been playing recently.

Andrew's Recent Games

Mario Golf: Super Rush

This title had reminded Andrew of Wii Sports Club, for the Wiiu - remember when Wiiu's where a thing?

Resident Evil: Village

Which Andrew had completed within a few days of it being released, and he thoroughly enjoyed.

Squidge's Recent Games

Resident Evil: Village

Squidge was part way through RE: Village when we recorded this episode actually. He has since completed the game and unlocked, pretty much, everything.

Diablo IIISamurai Warriors 5

He's also been playing "Surviving Windows Updates", a perilous game which involves getting angry at how everything on your computer seems to break shortly after installing the latest Windows Update

something something I use Linux
- Jay

Jay's Games

Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Squidge was kind enough to let Jay borrow his copy of this wonderful remake of the 1st gen games, and he had a lovely time playing it.

Samurai Warriors 5

Both Squidge and Jay are huge fans of the Koei Warriors games; it's always a tonne of fun to drop into a virtual battlefield with an almost unlimited supply of enemies and button bash your way out.

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

This game was plagued with issues on it's initial release - the HD remaster, that is. The original game was pretty much flawless - and Jay had been battling with getting it up and running for a few days, but he eventually triumphed and can now run it on his Linux-based computer.


Naturally our conversation turned to the (at the time of recording) recently announced SteamDeck. With Jay wanting to eventually get one so that he can run RetroArch on it

pro tip: Jay is going to wait until after they are released so that he can buy one used, from someone who wasn't expecting it to run a Linux-based operating system

and Squidge brought up the point that it looks like the GameGear's younger brother.

The Thunder Plain Games

For those who are new to the pod, we have a section called "Thunder Plain Games" which might be vaguely reminiscent of a certain programme on BBC Radio 4 - but for copyright reasons, it is completely different.

Imagine that you are in Final Fantasy X, and the Thunder Plains) is a place that you get banished to. And what we're going to do is we're going to open a portal to the Thunder Plains and, very nicely and politely, boot you through it. You will get help, maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe it will be in a week, maybe it will be in an hour.

To stop you from getting bored, we've said that we'll keep the portal open and we'll throw through up to three video games and everything you need to play them - including an Internet connection. The only rules are that you can't ask for help, because help is on the way, and you can't tell anyone that you're in the Thunder Plains.

So our question is: were we to do throw, boot, or yeet you through the portal, which games are we throwing through with you?

We had already taken Andrew to the Thunder Plains in a previous episode - in fact, it was during his first appearance on the show, back in March of 2020. But what we wanted to know was, with everything that has gone on in the world since then, had he changed his mind about some of the games that he would take? He had previously decided to take:

Power StoneCrazy TaxiResident Evil: Origins CollectionCall of Duty: Warzone

But with the recent happenings with Activision - and others, including Ubisoft - we gave Andrew another chance to talk about what he would take with him. We wouldn't want him to be trapped in a fictional place with titles that he was now against.

So he decided to swap CoD: Warzone for Fortnite.

Full Show Notes

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