In this interview with Stanley, Professor Lotte Holm explains why a sociological understanding of different people’s experiences around food, body-weight, and income is vital for implementing better policies around food. Much of her research focuses on populations in Denmark and the European Union, but understanding everyday struggles around food is a huge component of our global food and healthcare system.

Prof. Holm is a sociologist at the Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) at the University of Copenhagen. Two of her recent publications include:

Gronow, J.  & Holm, L. (Eds.), Everyday eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Holm, L., Nielsen, A., & Lund, T. B. (2020). Adapting to financial pressure on household food budgets in Denmark: associations with life satisfaction and dietary health. Acta Sociologica, 63(2), 191–208".