When you are buying a home in the US there are different laws in every state that guide the sale. However, there are some common things that those laws do NOT cover and this is what our episode covers today. There are things that are happening that NO ONE is generally looking for that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our goal today is to help you find those BEFORE you purchase this new home.

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We have moved the Pro Insider Special on Thursday to its new feed. It will no longer be on this page. You can find it and subscribe right here: https://around-the-house-pro-insider.captivate.fm/

Information given on the Around the House Show should not be considered construction or design advice for your specific project, nor is it intended to replace consulting at your home or jobsite by a building professional. The views and opinions expressed by those interviewed on the podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Around the House Show.

Mentioned in this episode:

A new kind of decking and siding from Millboard

For more information about the latest in decking and cladding head to https://www.millboard.com/

Baldwin Hardware

Baldwin Hardware