Major Danny Sjursen joins the show to talk about about the war in Afghanistan, an unsustainable quagmire for which no more blood and treasure should be sacrificed. We also talk about the magical American soldier myth and the empire denial syndrome.

Major Danny Sjursen is a US Army strategist and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has written a memoir and critical analysis of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge. He’s the co-host of the podcast Fortress on a Hill, and his articles are published frequently at numerous websites including The Nation, Truthdig, TomDispatch and FOLLOW Danny Sjursen on Twitter at @skepticalvet and support his work at         

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Recorded on October 31, 2018. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

Reference Links:

Quagmire: What the Attack on General Miller in Afghanistan Tells Us, Maj. Danny Sjursen Not Worth Another Life: An Afghan Anniversary To Lament, Maj. Danny Sjursen The Limits of Power – The Myth of the Magical American Soldier, Maj. Danny Sjursen Danny Sjursen on The War on Terror, Scott Horton Show Major Danny Sjursen: Endless War in Afghanistan,The Zero Hour

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