Dan and Joanne talk with Jim Kavanagh about the summit between American President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and the anticipated attempt to strike a MidEast grand bargain.

Jim is editor and writer at The Polemicist. His work is also published at CounterPunch, Greanville Post and he’s a frequent guest on the Loud and Clear radio show.  

Follow Jim at @ThePolemicist_ . Find his work at polemicist.net.

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Recorded on July 12, 2018. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

Reference Links:

Lindsey Graham interview laying out War Party strategy for Syria, Iran, Turkey (starts at 2:20) Israeli, Saudi, and Emirati Officials Privately Pushed for Trump to Strike a “Grand Bargain” with Putin, Adam Entous, New Yorker Netanyahu May Offer Putin: Remove Iran From Syria for Lifting of U.S. Sanctions on Russia, Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz Middle East officials flocking to Moscow – is there a big deal to be made before Putin meets Trump?, RT The Real “Deal of The Century” in The Middle East is The One Russia Struck With Israel Regarding Syria, Adam Garrie, Eurasia Future The Warm War: Russiamania At The Boiling Point, Jim Kavanagh, The Polemicist

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