Dan and Joanne talk with Max Blumenthal about the history of the national security state and the ruling elite using radical and extremist groups as proxies both abroad and at home. We discuss the Syrian “rebels”, neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine  and we also talk about Charlottesville and how we got here.

Max is an author, journalist, senior editor of the Gray Zone Project at alternet.org, and co-host of the Moderate Rebels podcast. He is well known for his acclaimed books, The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel and Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party.

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 Recorded on August 20, 2017. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

Reference Links: 

1)      18 August 2017 (VIDEO) The Real Story of How Bannon and Trump Got to the White HouseThe Real News Network - Thomas Hedges

 2)      23 June 2017 John McCain and Paul Ryan Hold 'Good Meeting' With Veteran Ukrainian Nazi Demagogue Andriy Parubiy Alternet - Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal

 3)      18 November 2014 How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Alternet Max Blumenthal (Rep. John Conyers wanted to block U.S. funding to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. But the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center refused to help.)

 4)      24 February 2014 Is the U.S. Backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Alternet Max Blumental

(Exposing troubling ties in the U.S. to overt Nazi and fascist protesters in Ukraine.)

 5)      16 June 2017 (VIDEO) Anti-Muslim Manchester Demo Unites Britain's Far-Right 


6)      16 June 2017 Former EDL leader holds large anti-Muslim demonstration in ManchesterHope Not Hate - Dr Joe Mulhall

 7)      18 March 2017 New European Branch of International Alt-Right Group to Launch Hope Not Hate - Dr Joe Mulhall

 8)      17 March 2017 More Transatlantic co-operation by the international Alt/Far Right  – Hope Not Hate - Dr Joe Mulhall

 9)      20 March 2017 (VIDEO) Can Europe Stop the Far Right if It Doesn't Stop Neoliberal Austerity? The Real News Network, Liz Fekete (Institute of Race Relations)

 10)   20 June 2016 Return of the Reich - Mapping the Global Resurgence of Far Right PowerInsurge Intelligence - Nafeez Ahmed (A four part INSURGE intelligence investigative series commissioned by Tell MAMA)

11) 2012 (PDF) Pedlars of Hate: The Violent Impact of the European Far Right Institute of Race Relations - Liz Feket

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